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Click the button to join the game

How to get started


1. Press the button to the left.

2. Start the server and then the client.

3. Enter the hostname and port number.

4. You are now assigned a tank.

5. You will now enter the game.

    -If there are no other player, you will only see one tank (your        tank). Then, you have to wait for other players to join.

    -If there are multiple tanks on the field, the game can start.




1. Every player is assigned a tank which is identified by different     colors. 

2. Each player have unlimited number of shots. 

3. When a player gets hit by a shot, the player has lost and is           removed from the game.

4. The last tank standing is the winner of the game. 


Enjoy the game!



On the server side runs four kinds of threads. One is used to shut down the server when all players have left the game, one to run the game and deal with new connections, one for each player receiving keystrokes from the player and puts the message in the mailbox and one for downloading information from the mail box interpret it and then send game information to all connected players.


On the client side there are two threads. One for drawing up the game and send keystrokes to the server and one to listen for game information from the server.


All calculations and all the game logic are on the server side. The only thing the client does is to send the keystroke to the server and then receive new info in order to draw up the new board. This was made because it would be synced and facilitated when all the data are processed in one place.

In general are we quite satisfied by the result of the project. We had some main goals that we managed to execute. These goals were that the game should support multiple players, up to 4, and that the players should be able to shoot each other. But we also had some secondary goals that weren't for filled. Goals like building barriers that the players could shoot at until they broke down. The hardest thing to implement was that the tanks and shots went in the right direction. One advice for next year students is to pay good attention in the labs because the labs give so much information in how to do these kinds of projects. 

Tanks is a multiple player game. Each player is assigned a tank. The tank can move in different directions, left, right, down and up. The tanks shoots in the same direction as the tanks is located in. Each players tank is marked by a specific color, this color also shows in which direction the tank is located. To control the tank, you need to use keystroke A, W, S,  D, Q and space.

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